- Celebration of the 25th jubilee of the JIZERA folklore ensemble

- Participation on the Czech-Polish folklore festival in Jelenia Gora (POL)

- Participation on the 10th international folklore festival „Jihlavské folklorní léto“ (Jihlava´s folk summer) (CZ)

- Participation on the  international folklore festival Červený Kostelec (CZ)


- Participation on the Czech-Polish folklore festival in Jelenia Gora (POL)

- Participation on the international folklore festival Hradec Králové – Pardubice (CZ)

- Participation on the international folklore festival Cugand in Nantes (FRA)

- Holding of the anniversary concert


- Unveiling of the memorial plaque placed on the native house of Prof. Pavel Krejčí in Ostroměř (CZ)

- Participation on the international folklore festival in Lázně Bělohrad (CZ)

- Participation on the international folklore festival in Karlovy Vary (CZ)

- Holding of anniversary concert „From spring to the winter“


- Participation on the international folklore festival CIOFF in Plzeň (CZ)


- Celebration in honour of Prof. Pavel Krejčí, who would celebrate his 90th anniversary that year

- Participation on the „Days of Czech culture“ in Colombelles (FRA) and its neighbourhood


- Celebration of the 20th jubilee of the JIZERA folklore ensemble

- Participation on the 38th international folklore festival in Aviano (ITA)

- Participation on the international folklore festival „Lidový rok“ (“folk year”) in Velká Bystřice (CZ)


- Participation on the international children choir festival in Halle/Saale (GER)

- Participation on the international folklore festival in Lázně Bělohrad (CZ)


- Participation on the 21st international folklore festival „Toon & Tine“ in Belgium

- Participation on the folklore show „Prameny“ (“Springs”) in Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)


- Participation on the 40th festival EUROPEADE on Sardinia


- Participation on the folklore show „Prameny“ (“Springs”) in Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)


- Organisation of the 4th international meeting of folklore ensembles in the culture house Liberec on the occasion of the 10th jubilee of the JIZERA folklore ensemble

- Representation of the Czech Republic in Taejon (South Korea)


- Participation on the international folklore festival Pardubice – Hradec Králové (CZ)

- Participation on the folklore show „Prameny“ („Springs“) in Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)


- Participation on the folklore show „Prameny“ („Springs“) in Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)

- Participation on the „music days“ in Vikersund (NOR)


- Participation on the General exhibition in Prague


- Participation on the 5th international meeting of folklore ensembles in Allouville (FRA)

- Organisation of the 3rd international meeting of folklore ensembles in Liberec (CZ)


- 2nd international meeting of folklore ensembles in Liberec (CZ)

- Participation on the 9th international folklore festival in Ittiri (Sardinia)


- Participation on the final national show of Czech folklore ensembles in Přibram (CZ)

- Jubilee gala celebration of 750 years of the town of Zittau (GER)


- Organisation of the 1st international meeting of folklore ensembles in Liberec (CZ)